Sacred Words Healing Blog


Present Moment Work

Every day is a new day to give thanks and do your very best. The new way of being lies within the moment before you react and choice of thoughts and behaviors. Being cognizant of your reaction in the moment and correcting your behavior is powerful work. This is the ‘Present Moment Work’.

What you do in the present moment is powerful. It creates change much bigger than you think. It sends waves of energy all throughout the Universe and the Universe reacts to what we put out. We will relive situation and patterns until we proactively work through them and create new waves of being.

Remember that the very moment of the Present Moment

is the key to transforming your life.

A few powerful questions you can ask yourself in these moments before your reaction occurs are,

  • Will this help me feel better?

  • Will this help others positively?

  • Will this help create positive change in the Universe?

Take Time to Focus, Focus on Yourself.

8/1/2022 - Sacred Breathwork Exercise

Healing Generational Trauma

My Breath is sacred; My Breath can heal me.

Let us begin to accentuate the sacredness of our breath. Every breath is Sacred. Your breath can help you move through all the challenging moments of healing. From every emotion, to every pain and sensation in your body, your breath can heal you.
You can heal yourself.

With every emotion that comes to surface, you can use this tool to help you release the hurt and pain for your Ancestors and your traumas as well. Each memory is attached to the cells in your body. For some individuals, it is in the heart and nervous system. Others experience the effects of traumas in their gut, organs or blood. Our Ancestors went through so many historical traumatic events.

They never had the chance to mourn, heal and release the hurt and pain. Thus, it was passed down to us.  With this tool you will learn how to sit with your sacred breath and heal generations of trauma and your traumas as well.


-        Find a quiet space to focus on your breath and emotions.

-        Prepare a glass of water, say a prayer for healing.

-        Began to get in touch with yourself, your breath and awareness.

-        Take a few deeps breaths and center your mind, body and spirit.d


-         Call on your Ancestors and Creator to help protect you and guide you through your healing.

-         State “I am healing.”
-        Bring all your awareness to your body,
state, “Release the hurt, release the pain.”

-         Say this 4x

-        Take a deep breath in, hold for 8 seconds and release your breath slowly. Do this as many times as you need to.

You may see a memory and feel the deep emotion rising from your heart into your throat.

-         Remind yourself “I am healing.”

-         Say it 4x.

-         State “My Breath is Sacred, my breath can heal me.”

-        Take a deep breath in, hold for 8 seconds and gather any hurt and pain.

-         With each breath out, envision the memory leaving your body.

-         Feel the emotion leave your body.

Repeat “Release the hurt, release the pain”. 4x.

Your body might have difficulty letting go of the pain.
Remind yourself that the feeling is just an emotion, it is okay to let go, you do not need to hold onto it snymore.” And proceed to tell your body to “Release the hurt, release the pain, let it go now.”, as many times as you need to.

Bring your awareness back into your core.

Envision tree like roots at the bottom of your feet.

Take a deep breath in and as you slowly exhale, push your roots into Mother Earth’s core.

Give her and all the Sacred Elements Thanks.

Before opening your eyes, roll your shoulders forward and backward. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

Take a deep breath in and a slow gentle breath out.

You are free to open your eyes when you are ready.