About Red Star Woman

Natasha Hall-Chase
Indigenous Holistic Healing Coach

Natasha Hall-Chase (Red Star Woman, Carries the Medicine, Walking Thunder Woman) is an Indigenous Holistic Coach, Trauma Healing Facilitator and the owner of Red Star Woman Healing. She specializes in holistic lifestyle coaching and mindfulness practices that benefit the healing process.

Natasha is Member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation who also carries lineage from the Cree, Assiniboine, Dakota/Lakota, Ponca and Navajo.

When Natasha turned 24, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and was on 12 prescription medications a day 3 times a day. She could hardly function and let alone cope with this autoimmune disorder. She found that the root of her physical pain had derived from Intergenerational Trauma and her own personal trauma’s.

Natasha dedicates her life to help others heal and transform their lives. She believes that through every healing, there is a teaching, all teachings from our true being.


“When We Heal Ourselves,
We Heal The Universe.”

— Red Star Woman